Steering Your Way To A Bad Credit Car Loan

The cost of an automobile is a big ticket item for almost any budget to absorb, but the reality is that for most of us, having a car is essential to conducting our lives. For people with no credit history, or even worse, with a poor one, getting a car loan can pose a serious challenge. But don't give up of the attempt just yet; the number of people with poor credit who need cars is so great that you can bet there is are those willing to help them. Who are they?

Talk To Your Bank

First, try the loan officer at your bank. If you have an account with a bank and have established a good record, with no bounced checks or overdraws, approach you banker about a bad credit car loan. You'll be asked how large a down payment you intend to make, and hoe much you intend to carry as loan on the car. The banks will also want to know the age and book value of the car you intend to purchase.

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If the car is not worth much, your loan officer may be reluctant to offer you a bad credit car loan, because if you default on the loan the bank will be stuck with the cost of repossessing a car it can't sell. You may still get the bad credit car loan, however, if you can find someone to co-sign it and take over the payments should you be unable to meet them.

Automobile Dealerships And Bad Credit Loans

If you live in a major urban area, you might find that some of the larger automobile dealerships are willing to extend a bad credit car loan. If you do, you can expect any bad credit car loan you get from them to carry a much higher interest rate tan the loans they offer to their preferred customers. But once you have a car, you will be in a much better position to get to and from a job and back on the path to a good credit rating.

Do Your Homework

While the interest rate on a bad credit car loan [] can be above ten percent, it is not likely to get into the high teens or twenty percent, and you won't always have to come up with a hefty amount of cash for a down payment on the vehicle. By doing some advance research you can come across lenders who won't keep you in their debt for as long as possible by applying the bulk of you monthly payment to the interest on the automobile.

Save yourself a lot of time in filling out useless bad credit car loan applications by learning ahead of time which lenders have reputations for fair dealing, and which ones are simply interested in getting you over a financial barrel and keeping you there.

You can get a heads-up on your options for a bad credit car loan on the Internet; there are a surprising number of lenders who will at least be interested in helping you improve your situation. So don' t let your frustration get the better of you; channel it into persisting in your search for a bad credit car loan until you find the one which will work in your own "best interest"!

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